2018EPISODESFebruaryMindset & Personal Development


By February 22, 2018 September 29th, 2020 No Comments

Beyond Success with Dan Lok

On today’s episode of Just the Tips, Dean has to step aside for actual royalty as we welcome Dan Lok, the king of high-ticket sales. Dan actually got that nickname when a magazine dubbed him that, but there’s no doubt he earned it. Dan first became an entrepreneur when he was in high school, and now consults and does marketing in the real estate industry, though he says his real passion is to teach others how they can close high-ticket real estate deals. This is a really inspiring and fun episode of Just the Tips that you won’t want to miss.

A true entrepreneur from the age of 14

When most people say they’ve been entrepreneurs since they were kids, what they mean is they started a lemonade stand, or maybe showed some ambition in their newspaper route. But Dan’s story is the real deal. He emigrated from China to Canada when he was 14, and not long after his parents divorced. His dad then went bankrupt, and Dan started his own business while he was in high school to help support his family. As he says, he’s been doing it for “many, many years,” though we couldn’t get him to put a number on it. But this is a guy who’s really done it all from the ground up, becoming a self-made millionaire by the age of 27. So when he’s dishing advice, you’ll want to listen.

Time is of the essence in business and in life

Considering that Dan found such success at such an early age, I had to ask him what keeps him motivated to keep working so hard now. And he had a surprising answer: Math. As he says, the first 18 to 20 years of your life is spent as a kid, under the control of your parents, and then you spend a third of your life sleeping, and a good chunk on leisure activities. So as he figures it, you only have seven years to really make your mark. And as he sees it, there are four stages in your career. This is all big-picture thinking, but he does an amazing job of breaking it all down into practical matters on this week’s Just the Tips.

Beyond success: Significance

The four stages for Dan are Survival, Stability, Success, and then the fourth one may surprise you. All of the other stages are about achieving something for you and your family: Paying the bills, then getting out of the worry of the day-to-day, and then getting everything you wanted. But once you get what you want, what do you go after? And for Dan, that answer is significance. And significance forces you to look beyond your own success and figure out how you can help others, how you can make an impact on the world, and how your success can mean something beyond the car you drive. This is a truly inspirational episode of Just the Tips, and a must-listen for anyone wondering if there’s anything beyond just chasing after money.

How fast learning became key to Dan moving beyond success

Dan Lok says one of the keys to moving beyond success has been his ability to learn quickly and make decisions quickly. He walked us through the various reasons people may procrastinate, in the name of thinking options through, while he has learned to move past procrastination. As he says, “When I think, I act. When I feel fear, I act.” And this has helped Dan continue to push himself and continue to excel in a quick manner. If you’re looking for a little push, a little inspiration to get you making quicker progress, then this episode of Just the Tips is for you.

Outline of This Episode

  • [4:01] How Dan Lok got his start
  • [8:54] What keeps Dan motivated
  • [14:30] One level beyond success
  • [20:25] How Dan became a fast learner
  • [25:17] Toward a better mindset
  • [32:51] How to get in touch with Dan

Resources & People Mentioned

Music for “Just The Tips” is titled, “Happy Happy Game Show” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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