

By August 10, 2017 September 29th, 2020 No Comments

How A 10 and 13 Year Old Sold $100K of Trending Products in 9 Months, with Alison Prince

Hey, James P. Friel here. Alison Prince has two words for you: Trending products. You don’t need to have a shark tank-worthy product idea to be successful online. Don’t believe her? Listen to this episode and she’ll prove it to you. Alison runs 7 (SEVEN) businesses of her own – but that’s not the really big deal. Her daughters, 10 and 13 years of age at the time they started selling products online, discovered that scarves were a trending product, created their own designs, and started selling them. Within 9 months they’d sold $100,029 worth of scarves. SCARVES people! Now Alison teaches others how she helped her daughters set up this simple way of discovering, sourcing, and selling trending products to generate online income. She’s the man, er… WOMAN! Find out more on this inaugural episode of Just The Tips.

You DON’T have to have a shark-tank-worthy idea to build a business.

If you happen to have a product idea that is worthy of being featured on Shark Tank, then go for it. But you don’t have to have earth-shaking product ideas in order to build a successful online business. That’s because people don’t ONLY buy the newest, biggest, fanciest products. They also repeatedly buy products that are popular or “in,” and they do it every – single – day. Alison Prince calls these “trending products” and discovered how to identify them, source them to sell to others, and market them online. Now she teaches others to do the same. In this episode, you’ll hear how her daughters did it, how her sister is doing it, and how she’s helped many, many others learn to do the same thing.

Anyone can jump on the trending product bandwagon.

There are so many reasons to consider building an online business, and many people SAY they want to do it, but they allow there to be too many obstacles in their way: Limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, or plain old ignorance about how to get started. Alison Prince believes there’s no reason the average person should allow those things to stand in their way. Selling trending products successfully is not that hard, technology opens the door to do it, and the “how” is easy to obtain. That’s why Alison has committed herself to helping YOU get started. If you want to learn how you’ve got to listen to this episode.

The benefits of building your online business are HUGE for your family.

When we recorded this episode our guest was not in her typical home office. She was in a jungle. In Thailand. We could actually hear the frogs and lizards chirping away in the background. Alison Prince and her family traveled to Thailand to do a couple of things: #1 – they wanted to explore the world and have experiences that were outside their typical American lives. But #2, Alison and her husband thought it would be a great thing for their kids – a way for them to see that there are many different people and many different ways of living. To give them perspective. It’s one of the many benefits they’ve experienced from building online businesses that goes beyond the simplicity of making money – it’s the long-term benefits of what the money enables them to do that matters. Find out more of Alison’s story and how she’s making it happen for other people, too, on this episode of Just The Tips.

A real-life education that doesn’t require loads of student loan debt.

Toward the end of our conversation, Alison Prince and I got sidetracked – not really a sidetrack – onto the topic of modern education. College is OK. It’s entirely necessary for some professions. But many people spend all that money, or worse yet, borrow it, and never wind up using the education they paid so much to get. Alison still thinks her kids may go to college someday, but she’s torn, especially because of the success her daughters have already had selling trending products online. They are already learning how to be successful in business and earn their own, independent income without “higher education.” You can hear our thoughts about the issue and find out how Alison can help you build your own revenue stream from selling products online, on this episode.

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:18] Who is Alison Prince and why she’s in Thailand on this recording.
  • [5:25] Don’t get the wrong idea: Allison already owns SEVEN businesses.
  • [8 :25] How Allison has taught her kids to be entrepreneurs already.
  • [11:24] $100K in 9 months – as teenage entrepreneurs.
  • [17:12] Why you don’t have to have an earth-shaking product idea to make good money.
  • [20:43] What it means to find a product that’s “trending.”
  • [23:00] Why Allison believes anyone can do what she’s done.
  • [29:40] Doing what she does as a traditional education alternative.
  • [36:10] How you can get in touch with Alison.
  • [38:56] What Alison advises you avoid if you want to become an entrepreneur.

Resources & People Mentioned

Music for “Just The Tips” is titled, “Happy Happy Game Show” by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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